Jan 13, 2023

If you find your engine overheating one day, the culprit might be your radiator. Without the radiator’s vital cooling function, the coolant pumping through your engine will no longer be able to bring down the temperature. If you see any of the following indicators of trouble, pay a visit to your nearest Cadillac dealer for radiator repair.

Your Engine’s Overheating

When running, your Cadillac’s engine should be between 200 and 220 degrees. If it ever reaches 245 degrees, the heat will start causing the metal to warp, with all kinds of ensuing problems.

Signs of Overheating

The temperature gauge on your instrument panel will usually let you know if your engine’s starting to overheat due to a failed cooling system. Other signs include ticking sounds from the engine, a smell of something burning, and steam rising from the engine. If you don’t immediately stop and turn off your engine, your car will start malfunctioning.

Your Coolant Level Drops

Most Cadillac engines require about five liters of coolant. You can check your coolant level by looking at the coolant container under your hood. On the side of the reservoir, you’ll see markers for minimum and maximum coolant levels. If the level is ever low, top up immediately with the correct type of coolant.

Signs of Low Coolant

The most noticeable sign of low coolant will be an overheating engine. In the case of a coolant leak, you might notice an oddly sweet smell outside your car after driving. There will also be a brightly colored fluid pooling under your car. Most coolants are a vivid shade of orange, pink, blue, or green in color.

Your Radiator Is Rusting

Radiators are susceptible to rust under certain conditions. If you live in a cold or damp environment, moisture in the air will gather more readily on your engine, causing rust. This moisture is heated away each time you use your engine. But cars left un-driven for months on end will often gather rust.

Rust can also form on the inside of radiators if the coolant diminishes or grows too old. Modern coolant has qualities to combat rust but this ability fades with age. Eventually, rust from the inside will breach the radiator’s surface and cause a leak. If your coolant turns a rusty color, you can be sure there’s rust inside the radiator.

Flush Often at Your Local Cadillac Dealer

Cadillac drivers should flush their coolant every 30,000 miles or every five years, whichever comes first. The technician will also inspect your radiator and entire cooling system for other signs of disrepair.

Have your radiator fixed today at Earnhardt Cadillac. Our founder and CEO, Tex Earnhardt, has been serving the region’s drivers since 1951 with excellent cars and customer service.