Oct 13, 2023

Luxury cars like Cadillacs typically have very low maintenance needs. However, there may be times when engine problems require immediate attention from your Cadillac dealer. Whether or not your check engine light is on, you should always schedule service when you notice these issues. 

photo by: Cadillac.com

Five Engine Problems You Should Always Fix at Your Cadillac Dealer

1. Worn-Out Spark Plug

Spark plugs need to be replaced occasionally. Fortunately, a worn-out spark plug isn’t a major repair as long as you have the issue corrected promptly. When the spark plug in your engine is worn out, it will not create a strong enough spark to fully ignite the engine. This can lead to misfires or ignition issues. Over time, a worn-out spark plug can even affect the fuel economy of your Cadillac. 

2. Dirty or Low Coolant

Your engine relies heavily on the coolant in your radiator to keep it cool. When your engine overheats, it can damage various components and lead to serious damage. Dirty coolant is typically caused by sediment in the radiator or hard water that causes corrosion. When coolant is dirty, it can clog the radiator and lead to engine overheating. 

Low coolant levels are also a common cause of engine overheating. A low level of coolant can be caused by a leak in the radiator or by neglecting the recommended service schedule outlined in your Cadillac owner’s manual. If you are replacing coolant yourself, and you are frequently running out of coolant, then you need to have the leak corrected immediately to avoid extensive engine damage. 

3. Old Motor Oil

Dirty motor oil does not clean or lubricate your engine properly. When there is dirty oil in your engine, it can clog the oil filter or ruin other engine components, leading to costly repairs. You should follow the recommended oil change schedule for your Cadillac model and always use the recommended oil to ensure your engine is protected. 

4. Failing Oil Pump

A failing oil pump is a major issue. When the oil pump in your engine fails, this leads to oil starvation. If your engine is starving for oil, then it is not properly lubricated, and this can cause major damage. 

5. Cracked Engine Block

If the engine block is cracked, then your engine is likely seriously damaged. A crack in the engine block means that the engine will not be able to contain any fuel or air pressure. Sometimes, the signs of a cracked engine block can include exhaust smoke, coolant leaks, and overheating. A cracked engine block may also be associated with failing cylinders and pistons. 

Issues with your engine affect every aspect of your vehicle’s performance. Schedule a service appointment at Earnhardt Cadillac to diagnose and correct engine issues today.